  Diskussionsforum / Whiteboard

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MOMENTUM Worldwide

(10.03.2013 - 14.04.2013)

          MOMENTUM Worldwide
          Rachel Rits-Volloch
          Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2
          10997 Berlin

Die Adresse der Ausstellung lautet:
 M O M E N T U M / Berlin
Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2
 10997 Berlin

Beschreibung der Ausstellung:
  MISSING LINK Opening 10 March, 7-10pm 10 March - 14 April 2013 Osvaldo Budet, Mariana Hahn, Hannu Karjalainen, Shonah Trescott MISSING LINK is an exhibition showcasing new work by 4 international artists in the MOMENTUM Collection. Coming from Australia, Puerto Rico, Germany, and Finland, the link between the 4 artists in this exhibition is the Nordic landscape. MISSING LINK is an exhibition of artist’s expeditions, both to and from the far north; an exploration of the environmental impact of human hubris. Traveling to Norway and the Arctic, the white stage few of us are privileged to see, MISSING LINK shares stories woven in ice, testaments of a very real, very new and ever changing environment. The scenic vistas and harsh realities the artists find there tell of a brave new world and remind us all of the heavy human ties we hold with this fragile and irreplaceable part of the world. And traveling from Finland to Shanghai, the artist unearths a story of architectonic memories in the urban landscape. On the site of China’s historical revision, urban upheaval, and the endless drive to modernity, the artist records a vista reminiscent of the colors and rhythms of the Nordic landscape. MISSING LINK is the void in our knowledge which needs to be filled. MISSING LINK is action. MISSING LINK is inaction of the world general political systems to communicate vital information about how to deal with a world in the throes of climate crisis. MISSING LINK is the space where we can make a shift; to engage creativity to address the causes of climate change and our technocratic society’s addiction to fossil fuels. MISSING LINK is the place where we can inspire one to think differently about the natural system and world we inhabit. MISSING LINK is a space in MOMENTUM where we can all take part in an imaginative, insightful and meaningful dialogue to conjure new and resilient futures. MISSING LINK is a story woven in ice far in the North that is shrouded in secrecy and corruption. MISSING LINK is a group of people dealing with a cultural response to our surroundings. MISSING LINK is the silence of the break in a chain of climatic events which effect us all. MISSING LINK is the term for the necessary condition the artist has to find themselves in, in order to be able to investigate. It is a proposition to the artist. If nothing would be missing, one wouldn't have to make art.

MOMENTUM Worldwide

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